4900 Molly Pitcher Highway
Chamberburg, PA 17202 US
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Important Announcement

Dear Customers,

We thank all of our valued customers for your many years of patronage to DixonZTRParts.com. After almost 40 years as a Dixon ZTR Mower dealer and many years of selling Genuine Dixon ZTR parts online, we have made the difficult decision to close the website.

Dixon’s history and subsequent parts availability took a drastic downward spiral after Husqvarna acquired the company in 2006 and then subsequently discontinued production of Dixon ZTR mowers in 2014. Parts availability has become increasing difficult and has resulted in months-long delays, backorders and missed availability dates for even common parts. Many necessary parts are now being discontinued or are on backorder with no reliable known time of availability. Presently we are not able to adequately fill orders to our quality standards or even quote availability times that are reliable.

Please CONTACT US if you need to reach us regarding any previous orders or assistance.

Thanks again to our many Dixon customers nationwide for your loyalty over the years!

historic photo of a Dixom ZTR mower Dixon ZTR logo